165th St West on Ave A, 5 acres (gross) with power, West Lancaster CA 93536

165th St West on Ave A, 5 acres (gross) with power, West Lancaster CA 93536

178 feet of frontage along paved road, vacant, flat land, 376 feet deep plus another lot that is 338 feet deep and 160 feet wide.   Electricity lines are on the west corner of the lot at Ave A.  Needs well for water and septic for sewer.

Lots 10 and 15, Tract No 30659,   APN 3258-002-030  Zone A-2-2      The two lots have been surveyed and 8 corners set.

Price   $39,000 with terms or cash.

Buy with as little as 20% down, seller will finance the balance with approved credit

Property corners set are the 8 red points shown above.
copy of the survey map. Points were set in May 2021
Looking (at the lot) East at Ave A & 165th St West.
Looking to the west (at the lot) from Ave A. The truck is on 165th St West
Looking North at SE corner of Lot 10, 165th street is to the right of the white post.
Looking south down 165th St from Ave A