239th St West on Ave A, 20 acres –SOLAR PROPERTY- West Lancaster, CA 93536
Vacant, flat all usable land with 665 feet of frontage along Ave A and 1,325 feet deep.
Located 3 miles north of Hwy. 138 and 14 miles east of the 5 Frwy. Zone A-2. gently slopes to the south at about 3% grade. No utilities available on site, Needs well for water.
Lot 2, Parcel Map No. 3486. APN 3278-002-025 ZONE A-2-2
Driving instructions: From Los Angeles take the 405 frwy or the 5 frwy to the 14 frwy north for about an hour, get off at Hwy 138 (Ave D). Turn left (go west) for 21 miles to 230th St west (you will see a store and gas station on the north corner, Neenach Calf & Market, 22847 W Ave D, Lancaster, CA 93536) Turn right (north) go 3 miles to Ave A, the last mile or so will be a dirt road. Turn left (west) go 0.9 miles, the property will be on your left. If you have GPS in your car or phone turn it on to help with the street names. Location is: 23992-23822 Avenue A Lancaster, CA 93536 34.818531, -118.552106 To the approximate Front of the property
nce with approved credit