185th St East on Ave G, 2.5 acre (gross) parcel Lancaster, CA 93535
Price $14,000 with terms or cash.
Buy with as little as 20% down, seller will finance the balance with approved credit.
Power and telephone lines are on the property along Ave G.
Water is available from Region 35 NE LA County Lancaster field office: 260 E. Avenue K-8 Lancaster, CA 93535
(661) 940-9270. Cost for a water meter can be between 20,000 to $40,000.
Flat all usable parcel with 169 feet of frontage on paved road and 620 feet deep.
Property corners have been surveyed and staked with iron rebar & cap.
Portion of SW 1/4 of Section 35, T8N, R9W, APN 3316-018-011
Zone A-2-5 This lot cannot be used for building a home. Needs 5 acres to build in this area.