140th St East (660′ east of) on Ave G-12, 12.5 acre parcel, Lancaster, CA 93535
Price 12.5 ACRES FOR $49,000 Buy with as little as 20% down, seller will finance the balance with approved credit.
Power lines are on 140th St. Road easements to the property are included with the property. Needs well for water and septic for sewer. 990 feet of frontage along Ave G-12 and 660 feet deep, vacant, flat land all usable,
existing homes on 140th St 1/4 mi North. Very nice quiet area.
Zone A-2-5 and in the significant ecological areas, Subject to an easement for road and utility purposes over the north and south 30 feet. Portion of Section 6, T7N, R9W, APN 3358-003 -108 and APN 3358-003 -149
The lot has joshua trees on it. You should not remove any joshua trees (even if they appear dead) or disturb the plants or ground near the joshua trees. And when you are ready to get permits for a home, please design the project so that it avoids impacting joshua trees.