97th St East on Ave D-4, 9.1 acres Lancaster, CA 93535

97th St East on Ave D-4, 9.1 acres Lancaster, CA 93535
Price  $68,000 with terms or cash.
Buy with as little as 20%  down, seller will finance the balance with approved credit. 
300 feet of frontage along Ave D-4 and 1320 feet deep, vacant, flat land all usable, Electricity & Telephone lines  are on the street frontage. The property will need a septic sewer system for sewer line purposes, a water well for water.
. Subject to an easement for road and utility purposes over the south and west 30 feet.  Use for bug out or survival location.
Lots of potential.
There is a small farm on one side and a house on the other side.
A recorded Certificate of Compliance is on file for this parcel.
Portion of Section 20, T8N, R10W,   APN 3306-006-085         Zone A-2-5  and in the  significant ecological areas
From Ave D-4 looking East, red X is the property.
From Ave D-4 looking West, red X is the property.
From Ave D-4 looking East beyond the property (easterly)
Zone Map